Our online submission system guides you stepwise through the process of entering your article details and uploading your files. The corresponding author must log in or register to use the JBR submission system. The publication of materials in the journal is carried out using the Open Journal System, an online submission and review system. The editorial board accepts previously unpublished experimental articles in the scientific areas of the journal. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, is sent by e-mail.

Order of articles consideration

  1. We shall consider only manuscripts designed in accordance with the Rules for authors that are published in every issue and posted on the website of the Journal.
  2. Decisions for publishing or refusing to publish are accepted at a regular meeting of the Editorial Board based on the results of the review and expert assessment.
  3. The Editorial Board, in case of refusal to publish or direction for revision, within 5 (five) working days after the decision, directs the author (s) a written message that describes the motivated decision of the Editorial Board. It is mandatory that the letter be attached with a full-text copy of the review (without specifying the name of the reviewer).
  4. Articles received by the editorial journal after revisions based on the comments are considered in the order of general priority.
  5. A revised version of this article can be sent to be re-reviewed by a decision of the Editorial Board. In the case of repeated negative reviews, submitted materials are not subject to further review.

Editorial assumes no obligations on terms of publication of manuscripts. The Editorial Board does not keep the manuscript not accepted for publication.

Manuscripts accepted for publication will not be returned. Manuscripts receive a negative result from a reviewer, are not published and also do not come back to the author. The publication is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis as soon as the material is ready. The Editorial Board has the right to form a queue according to the headings of forthcoming issues.

Submit your article

Please submit your article via submission page

Manuscripts should be submitted Online click the make a new submission link from www.bioresearch.kz. The use of an online submission and peer review site speeds up the decision-making process, enables immediate distribution, and allows authors to track the status of their own manuscripts.

If assistance is needed, Editorial Office can be contacted and will readily provide any help users need to upload their manuscripts.

Editorial Office contact: info@bioresearch.kz